; How to add blogger floating ads on blogger and wordpress website with example.

How to add blogger floating ads on blogger and wordpress website with example.

SEO Digital Marketing guide
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This tech guide blog brings information about how to add floating Google Adsense ads HTML code or other ads script on the middle, left, or right, top, and bottom position of the blog or WordPress website for free in 2022. As you know in google Blogspot, what must you do is to show display floating ads, copy the script code below and add it to the widget section by adding a new gadget HTML script code?. I have shown you how to add your ads also. In this blog, we will discuss also more about the advantages and disadvantages of using Floating adsense code on websites or Blogspot accounts, its pure meaning, 

What is a floating banner Advertisement?

A floating banner ad is a rich media advertisement placed on your blog or WordPress website to attack more visitors online and get a conversion. In banner ads, you can use pictures, videos, or adsense ads to show to viewers online. 

How to add Floating adsense ads on blogger and WordPress

Adding of a floating ads on blogger or wordpress are same and alike. In blogspot account, you need to go to the widget section and add a gadget of html/java script and add the code given below properly. Save the layout and view tour website. It just then starts showing ads on your google blogs. This is very easy, eny one can try this

Use this floating ads HTML code below





background:transparent url('..');







margin:0 auto;

width: 300px;

















<script type="text/javascript">

function getValue()


document.getElementById("BiggaponArUpore").style.display = 'none';



<div id="BiggaponArUpore">

<div id="evitainfoseoforum">

<span style="color:#333333;font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;float:right;padding-top:1px;padding-right:10px"><a href="#" target="_blank" onclick="getValue()">close(x)</a></span>


<div id="Biggapon">


Add your google adsense code here.




In the above example code, add your Google Adsense code, then put it in the blog gadget as Html, and view your blog. It will show you floating ads in middle, however, to change the location position, you need to copy the last part of the left side code again, then modify the padding, sizes from the top margin, etc.

To get the original floating ads code please visit here.

Pros and cons of Floating adsense banner ads 

Let's understand now how effective is floating advertisement. It has been reported by many digital marketing specialists that out of 1000 page views 30 clicks mostly get through this. Many bloggers or SEO specialist thinks that adding google adsense floating ads could increase CPC ie the click-through rate which is sometimes true and sometimes not. A click on the website is done when users or viewers have some interest in your content. There are various forms of adsense ads that will be shown to your website for example banners, ina articles, or interest-based ads. The interest-based ads are seen mostly shown in floating ads type as user searches online and don't clear the history of what he searches online. Such floating ads have advantages ie pros in making money via Adsense clicks however it has negative effects that users always need to close it to read the full information on the website. So I suggest you keep the only important genuine most trending topic on your website so that people always love to visit your website in the future.

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