; Website Hosting - How to make a free ecommerce website and host it online

Website Hosting - How to make a free ecommerce website and host it online

 Are you curious to know how websites are made in web design? This is very easy, In this blog, you will learn how easy is to design, develop and host a website online either free or paid. In website hosting what is much more important is the domain name, hosting server, etc. In case if wish to develop a website with a blogger,, you might not need to buy a domain name, as Google gives a free subdomain name blogspot. And when we talk about website development, here you need to have some basics knowledge of HTML5, CSS, and PHP, so that in the future you can modify minor mistakes.

Sometimes web developer also finds it hard to find problems when the website is being made on a notepad or some other editor. In my opinion, I suggest the use of Adobe Dreamweaver software if interested to design a responsive website.

In case you are a beginner, I suggest you opt for the cheapest and most affordable way of hosting with WordPress, which will cost you around 450 $ per year or more. In case your website needs only 1 GB, No need to buy a hosting server, only your domain name bought is enough, there are free hosting server websites where you can easily sign up online and host your website for up to 2 GB for one year, while the next year you need to buy hosting space online. To keep the premium website domain name for example evitainfo.com, and insurance yarn.com, you need to buy the annual plans if your website needs more than 1GB of hosting storage.

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