This special web hosting blog delivers complete details about how can anyone host their own website, how much does it costs, etc. To get started with a business online or transform your business to paperless, the best strategy is to follow our digital marketing tips by making a website, connecting to social media and popular forum media sites. Having a website alone cant bring many sales, so we always prefer to follow our digital marketing secret tips for the success of an online business in 2022.
Can I host my own website?
Yes, you can host your own website for either free or paid versions. If you want to get a domain name then it would charge you for the domain name according to how many years you want to keep your domain name live. Examples of the domain names are .com,, etc. The charges for each domain name are different, say for example the .com and .in domain name prices for the business keywords and tech differ in prices. The .com domain name is sometimes more costly than the .in domain name. If you want to buy a domain name then you can easily get it from GoDaddy or the hosting official website.
Once you bought your domain name what actually you do is find a hosting space for free or buy a website hosting space from either GoDaddy or hosting. To host your website on your own, you can easily use the WordPress content management system which you will get once you buy a web hosting space. In the WordPress CMS, you will get thousands of themes, templates, plugins for all types, easy-to-manage, SEO tools, etc.
Find plugins related to your website, for example, social media sharing, subscribe, the page builder for example elementor, Yoast SEO tools, etc. Then the next step is to configure the website title, description, page post, menus, etc.
WordPress website hosting is best for local small business owners who really don't want to invest more in website hosting for agencies or companies, however, one must learn the techniques by either watching videos online or through a local website hosting tutor.
How much does web hosting cost?
Can you figure out how much does web hosting costs? Yes you may think of it as the construction of a house, it cost for every update, the prices of website hosting may depend on the functionality you want to add as features to your website for example. For example, if you want to add eyewear size detection or any PHP or AI embedded features, then the price of making a website may cost around $120 to $10000000 which would be around Rs 10000 to Rs 2 Crore and more. It depends on the types of organizations and types of visitors also. For a news website, it might be lower while for National institutes, big eCommerce companies, website making or development charges higher rates.
What is WordPress website hosting?
WordPress website hosting is the simpler method of making a website for both beginners and professionals, to host live content on the WordPress content management system panel. In WordPress website hosting, you will get unlimited themes, plugins, templates, widgets, and more. WordPress gives an easy layout or Cpanel for users to make a website instant. The first thing on WordPress hosting is finding a hosting server for example Godaddy, WordPress itself, 000webhost app, and more. Once you set up your Cpanel, configure your website profile setting title name, pages menu, website logos, etc. Start posting articles or adding products and services to your WordPress website. One such helpful e-commerce website tool is the woocommerce plugins that help various user sell their products and services online.
Another advantage of a WordPress website is that it helps in bringing more traffic to your website organically, drag and drop, Popular SEO tools like Yoast tool are available for a free, weather report, social media share plugins, floating ads, etc.
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