; What are keywords marketing and how do you use free google ads planner tool?

What are keywords marketing and how do you use free google ads planner tool?

SEO Digital Marketing guide
By -
Do you really want to know what are keywords and how do you use it? Here i am giving you the best guide to keywords analysis, planning and optimization for beginners. We all know about keywords, which are important words that are searched as search terms by users online. Moreover you might have also found many keywords planner tool availbale online which are not free to use also. I am here to tell you the secret behind the search engine ranking algorithm online. Every search engine has its own spiders that crawls and index pages based on the contents, no of linkings, forum posting, backlinking too. Did you know also that using long tail keywords and making pages fill with related keywords that are not less than 450 words or keywords are mostly ranked at top. Find here the best guest blogging, on page seo, keywords analysis guide to rank your website at top.

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